Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What in the World Does a Christian Do? Luke 10

Have you ever asked yourself this question? I'm a Christian now what? What's supposes to be different? Where gonna take a look at Luke chapter ten because it displays three points that answer this question, and I'm gonna break it down over the next couple of blogs. The first thing we notice is that we are the Lord's ambassadors, sent to represent Him in this world (verse 1-24). The 72 people that were sent out were about to embark of a difficult calling. Harvesting is hard work, even when there are many people helping you, but these men were sent into a vast field with very few workers to help them reap a great harvest. Instead of praying for an easier job, they were to pray that more laborers would join the Masters cause, we today need to echo this prayer. It's interesting to point out that it is laborers, not spectators, who pray for more laborers! To many Christians are praying for somebody else to do a job they are unwilling to do themselves. IT'S TIME TO START WORKING AND STOP WAITING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE TO DO IT!!! LETS GET IN THE GAME! I don't mean to yell but the older I get the more tired I get and I'm tired of living a mediocre christian life. I want to be used by God to do amazing things in his name!! Its time to get off the sidelines and step out in faith. I respect the 72 so much they were given a task to go and reap a harvest they weren't promised a Holiday inn or a great meal everywhere they went they need to rely on the Lord for there blessing, provision, and their comfort. Lord help me realize the security in which I seek can only be found in You! They're calling was a dangerous one. As They invaded enemy territory they would be like lambs among wolves. But as long as they relied on the Lord, they would win the battle. It would require discipline and faith for them to do the job. They were ambassadors of peace, bringing healing to the sick, deliverance to the possessed, and the Good News of salvation to lost sinners. We can understand the joy of the Seventy-two as they returned to report their victories to Jesus. He had given them power and authority to heal, to cast out demons and to preach the Word, and they were successful!! In the midst of their great joy, they were careful to give God the glory. Christ's ambassadors were indeed privileged people. They were able to see and hear things that the greatest saints in the Old Testament ages yearned to see and hear but could not. The Messiah was at work, and they were a part of His work! Here I sit thousands of years later and I yearn to be a part of that work. I want to be obedient to what God has called me to be and do. I want to end this blog with Ruth 1:16 Ruth in this passage is talking to Naomi but as I thought about it I pray Ruth Response would be our response to our Lord and savior. Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16

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