"How long shall I stay with you and put up with you?" Is one phrase that is mentioned in this passage of scripture by Jesus. When you look at this portion of scripture you can better understand why Jesus spoke those words: He was grieved over the failures of His followers. He had given His apostles authority over Satan, yet they were to weak to cast out a demon (vv. 37-45). In feeding the 5,000 Jesus gave them an example of compassion, yet they persisted in manifesting selfishness and lack of love (vv. 46-56). He taught clearly what it meant to follow Him, yet the volunteers turned out to be "me first" disciples (vv.57-62). It's starting to make sense why Jesus is grieved.
Lack of Power(vv.37-45): The disciples had the power and authority to heal this boy but they did not have the success why? When you study all three reports (Matt. 17; Mark 9), you discover what was lacking in their lives. The first thing that was lacking was faith (Matt.17:19-20); they were part of an unbeleving generation and had lost the confidence that they needed in order to use their power. (If I can be honest and say their generation sounds a lot like the one in which we find ourselves in today). But prayer and fasting were also lacking (Mark 9:29), which indicates that these men had allowed their devotional disciplines to erode during their Lord's brief absence. No matter what spiritual gifts we may have, their exercise is never automatic. Jesus restores the boy gives him back to his father then took the twelve aside for another lesson about the cross.
Lack of Love (vv. 46-56): The disciples did not have much love for each other, or they would not have argued over who was the greatest. I'm not sure why this arguement started was it pride or was it envy, either way the disciples where more concerned about who is first instead of really listening to Jesus. In His kingdom, the example of greatness is a little child. somebody who is dependent, without status living by faith. There is a big difference from being child like and childish. The disciples showed a lack of love for beleivers outside their own group. Maybe John was trying to impress Jesus with his zeal for protecting His name, but the Lord was not impressed. John thought they were the only group that was blessed and recognized by Jesus that was not true then and its not true for us today. Beleivers who think their group is the only group God recognizes and blesses are in for a shock when heaven is revealed to them. Nor did the disciples love their enemies (51-56). James and John had seen the Prophet Elijah on the mount, so they thought they might imitate him and call down fire from heaven (2 Kings 1)! The Samaritans and Jews had been enemies for centuries so it would make sense for the village to reject Jesus as he traveled toward Jerusalem. Samaria would be later reached with the Gospel in (Acts 8).
Lack of Discipline (vv.57-62). Three man could have become disciples, buy they failed to meet the requirements that Jesus required. The first man had to deny himself which he was not willing to do. The second man was called by Jesus (what an honor!) but he was rejected because he would not take up his cross and die to self. Jesus is not suggesting here that we dishonor our parents, but only that we not permit our love for family to weaken our love for the Lord. The third man also volunteered, but he could not follow Christ because he was looking back instead of ahead. Jesus saw that this man's heart was not wholly with Him, but that he would be plowing and looking back.
After reading this passage it seems like what Jesus taught His disciples and the multitudes had done them little good. They lacked power, love, and discipline, and they grieved His heart. These spiritual essentials are available to us from the Lord. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of power, of love, and of self-discipline" (2 Tim. 1:7). So the question I have for you is what are you lacking?? Are we a joy to Jesus Christ, or are we breaking His heart?
Wow Jay, great thought! Needed to hear that...keep up the good God work bro! Hope to catch up soon :)