I know its been a while since I've blogged and I'm skipping a couple of verses but just wanted to reflect over this passage. This whole book is really an encouragement from Paul to a young new pastor Timothy.
Paul shifted in this passage to an athletic illustration at this point in his letter. Just as a Greek or Roman athlete had to refuse certain things, eat the right food, and do the right exercises so a Christian should practice "spiritual exercises." If a Christian puts as much energy and discipline into his spiritual life as an athlete does into his game, the Christian makes opportunities for him to grow faster.
The Temporary: Again, this is an athletic image. Certainly we ought to care for our bodies, and exercise is a part of that care (yeah I just said that). But bodily exercise benefits us only during this life; godly exercise is profitable now and for eternity. Paul did not ask Timothy to choose between the two; I think God expects us to practice both.
Godliness: Phillips Brooks said, "The greatest purpose of Life the shaping of character by truth." Godly character and conduct are far more important then gold metals, world series rings, or super bowl trophies, though it is possible for a person to have both. Pauls challenge to Timothy to be devoted to godliness as an athlete is to his sport. We are living laboring and striving for eternity!!! Christians must make his/her body his servant and not his master. The point I'm making here is there are spiritual exercises that I ought to be doing Prayer, meditation, self-examination, fellowship, service, sacrifice, submission to the will of others, witness, all of these are spiritual exercises to help develop me into a more godly man. A Christian that wants to excel spiritually needs to work at it!! But exercising ourselves in godly living is not only profitable for us; it is also profitable for others. Paul named several areas of life in which you and I should be examples:
In Word: Implies our speech should be honest and loving speak the truth in love. (Eph 4:15)
In Conduct: Our lives are controlled by the Word of God
In Love: This is the motivation of the lives in which we live. We do not obey God to be applauded by men but because we love God and love God's people
In Faith: We trust God and our faithful to Him. Faith leads to faithfulness
In Purity: Keep yourself pure in mind, heart and body
Just as Timothy was to spread this message to the early church so are we!! Verse eleven says command and teach these things The local church is a unit in God's spiritual army, and its leaders are to pass God's orders along to the people with authority and conviction.
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