Paul wrote the letter we call 1 Timothy to encourage Timothy, to explain how a local church should be managed, and to enforce his own authority as a servant of God. Paul in this chapter explains 3 responsibilities of a pastor but not just of a pastor but members of the church. I'm going to suggest that part of our job description as followers of Christ is carrying out these responsibilities
1. Teach Sound Doctrine (1:1-11)
In this time period there were teachers of false doctrines in Paul's day just as there are today, and we must take them seriously. These false teachers have no good news for lost sinners. They seek instead to lead Christians astray and capture them for their causes. The reason for this false doctrine was a misuse of the Old Testament Law. These false teachers did not understand the content or the purpose of God's Law. They were leading believers out of the liberty of grace into the bondage of legalism, a tragedy that still occurs today. The flesh loves religious legalism because rules and regulations enable a person to appear holy without really having to change his heart. Thats why Paul is writing this letter to Timothy to encourage him in this challenging time in his life. Paul was trying to convey to Timothy you are not only a pastor of the church in a difficult city. You are also a Christian soldier under orders from the King. Now pass these orders along to those that are under your leadership.
2. Proclaim the Gospel (1 Tim. 1:12-17)
Paul in this passage shares his personal testimony.
A. What Paul used to be: Saul of Tarsus was a brilliant man and well-educated his mind was blinded from the truth. He was a religious man, yet he was not headed for heaven! It was not until he put faith in Jesus Christ that he was saved.
B. How Paul was Saved: How could the holy God ever save and forgive such a self-righteous sinner? The key words are mercy and grace. God in His mercy did not give Paul what he did deserve; instead God in His grace gave Paul what he did not deserve. Grace and mercy are God's love in action.
C. What Paul Became: The Damascus road had a life changing effect on Paul. So dramatic was the change in Paul's life that the Jerusalem church suspected that it was a trick and they had a hard time accepting Paul's transformation (Acts 9:26-31). Paul has become a great example of what the Holy Spirit can do in your life. He is proof that the grace of God can change any sinner!! Today I want to challenge you maybe you know somebody who is far from God and you have spent years trying to reach out to them but feel like it's a lost cause. I want to challenge you lets NEVER GIVE UP!! If God can make a change in Paul's life I'm sure he can change anybody else.
3. Defend the Faith (1 tim. 1:18-20)
Timothy must have been greatly helped and encouraged when he read the opening to this letter. God had called Timothy, equipped him, and put him into his place of ministry. When someone obeys God's call to serve, God always equips and enables that person. Timothy's job was not to run all over Ephesus, being involved in a multitude of tasks. His job was to care for the church by winning the lost, teaching the saved, and defending the faith. Any task that did not relate to these ministries would have to be abandoned. I want to leave you with this question taking spiritual inventory of yourself, what tasks is God calling you to do and our there things in your life that are keeping you from what God has called you to ?
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