To whom does wisdom speak to in this passage? To three classes of sinners : the simple ones, the mockers and the fools. The simple are naive people who beleive anything but examine nothing. They are gullible and easily lead astray. They have not taken ownership of their faith and so every new idea or thought leads them astray. Mockers think they know everything and belittle, ignore or even laugh at the things that are really important. The simple ones may be lost or confused the mockers wear a sneer. Fools on the other hand are people who are ignorant of the truth because they are dull and stubborn. Their problem isn't a low IQ or poor education; their problem is a lack of spiritual desire to seek and find God's wisdom. Fools enjoy their foolishness but don't know how foolish they are! The outlook of fools is purely materialistic and humanistic. They hate knowledge and have no interest in things eternal .
How does wisdom respond to them? First she brings a charge agaisnt them and asks how long they plan to remain in their dangerous spiritual condition. wisdom has spoken to them again and again but they have refused to listen, and this will make their judgment even more severe. After this wisdom issues an invitation that they turn from their evil ways and receive her gifts. This is really a call to repentence and faith. She promises to change their hearts and teach them the wisdom of God from the Word of God.
Tragically the simple, the mockers, and the fools refuse to obey her voice. They laugh at her warnings; and mock her words. Note the word "also" in verse 26. Because they laughed at Wisdom, one day Wisdom will also laugh at them. Because they mocked her, she will mock them. Wisdom sees a storm of judgement coming that will bring distress and anguish to all who reject God's invitation. When that judgment comes sinners will call upon the Lord but it will be to late. How tragic that day will be. "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near" (Isa. 55:6). They turned away their ears from hearing the truth and were complacently comfortable wit beleiving lies. In contrast to the judment promised to unblievers, wisdom promises security and peace to those who will listen to her and beleive (Prov.1:33). Question what is wisdom sayinng to you?
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