By this time in the gospel of Luke the news has spread widely about the miracle worker from Nazareth so His family, friends, and neighbors were anxious to see and hear Him. Jesus was asked to read the Scripture text and to give the sermon. The passage He read included Isaiah 61:1-2 and He selected it for His text. The Jewish rabbis interpreted this passage to refer to the Messiah, and the people in the synagogue knew it. Can you imagine how shocked they were when Jesus boldly said that it was written about Him and that He had come to usher in the "acceptable year of the Lord." The reference here is the "Year of Jubilee" described in Leviticus 25. Jesus was bringing a spiritual "Year of Jubilee" for the nation of Israel.
The problem was that His listeners would not believe in Him. They saw Him only as the son of Mary and Joseph, the boy they had watched grow up in their own city. How crazy is that!!!! Jesus is right there in front of them and all they see is the son of Mary and Joseph. The crowd wanted Jesus to preform miracles in Nazareth like he did in Capernaum, but He refused. That's the meaning of the phrase, "Physician heal thyself.
At first, they admired the way He taught, but it didn't take long for their admiration to turn into antagonism. Why? Because Jesus reminded them of God's goodness to the Gentiles! The prophet Elijah bypassed all the Jewish widows and helped a gentile widow in Sidon 1 Kings 17:8-16, and his successor Elisha healed a gentile leper from Syria 2 Kings 5:1-15. Our Lord's message of grace was a blow to the proud Jewish exclusivism of the congregation, and they would not repent. Jesus is saying that Jews had to be saved by grace just like the pagan gentiles!! The congregation was so angry they waned to kill Jesus! Augustine said, "They love truth when it enlightens them, but hate truth when it accuses them." (Ouch!!!) This applies to us today we want gracious words but we don't want to face the truth.
In spite of the unbelief of the people in Nazareth, the scriptures declared that Jesus of Nazareth is God's Son, the Messiah sent to fulfill His promises. I bloged about this passage because maybe like Jesus you feel like the hardest people to reach are the ones who have known you the longest. Be encouraged today that if you face rejection from those who say they know you your in good company.
Good word Jay and it's very encouraging to hear we're not alone! :)