Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Worship!! Rev 5.

In Revelation 5 The focus of attention shifts to a seven sealed scroll in the hand of God. The scroll could not be read because it was rolled up and sealed with seven seals. John could see writing on both sides of the scroll, which meant that nothing more could be added. What was written was completed and final. The scroll represents Christ's "Title deed" to all that the Father promised Him because of His sacrifice on the cross. He is our beloved Kinsman Redeemer who was willing to give His life to set us free from bondage and to restore our lost inheritance. No one in all the universe could be found worthy enough to break the seals. No wonder John wept, for he realized that God's glorious redemption plan for mankind could never be completed until the scroll was opened. Jesus Christ meets all of the qualifications. He became flesh, so He is our kinsman. He loves us and is willing to redeem; and He paid the price, so He is able to redeem. Now we are able to enter into the worship experience described in the remainder of Revelation 5. As we take a look at this chapter we will discover four compelling reasons why we worship Jesus Christ.
BECAUSE OF WHO HE IS (Rev 5:5-7) Three unique titles are given to our Lord to describe who He is. First He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This refers back to Genesis 49:8-10, where Jacob prophetically gave the scepter to Judah and made it the tribe of the Kings. (God never meant for Saul to establish a dynasty, because he came from the tribe of Benjamin. God used him to discipline Israel because the people asked for a king; then He gave them David from the tribe of Judah.) The image of "the lion" speaks of dignity, sovereignty, courage, and victory. Jesus Christ is the only living Jew who can prove His kingship from the genealogical records.
Son of David was a title often used when he was ministering on earth (Matt 1.) But He is also the Root of David, which means He brought David (and David's line) into existence. As far as His humanity is concerned, Jesus had His roots in David (Isa.11:1, 10) ; but as far as His deity is concerned, Jesus is the root of David. How the Messiah could both be David's Lord and David's son was a problem Jesus presented to the Pharisees, and they could not (or would not) answer Him. (Matt. 22:41-46).
When John turned to see, he saw not a lion but a lamb! Jesus is called "the Lamb" at least twenty-eight times in the book of Revelation. The theme of 'the Lamb" is an important one throughout Scripture, for it presents the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. The Old Testament question, "Where is the Lamb?" (Gen. 22:7) was answered by John the Baptist who cried, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). The choirs of heaven sing, "Worthy is the lamb!" (Rev. 5:12)
BECAUSE OF WHERE HE IS (5:6) Jesus is in heaven. He is not in the manger, in Jerusalem, on the cross, or in the tomb. He is ascended and exalted in heaven. Our savior has defeated every enemy and is now controlling events from glory! He too suffered, but God turned His suffering into glory. The Lamb is the center of all that transpires in heaven. Angles around the throne encircle the Savior and praise Him. We do not worship a babe in a manger or a corpse on a cross. We worship the living, reigning Lamb of God who is in the midst of all in heaven!!
BECAUSE HE IS WORTHY (5:8-12) When the Lamb came and took the scroll the weeping ended and the prasing began. Warren Wiersbee a famous Christian author said this about worship and I tend to agree with him. "Too many contemporary songs are "I" centered rather than "Christ" centered. They so emphasize the believer's experience that they almost ignore the Lord's glory. Certainly there is a place for that kind of song, but nothing can compare with adoring Christ in spiritual worship."(BOOM that just happened!!!!) Sometimes I feel like our worship time has turned to a request time. God I need this, I want that, gimme gimme gimme I, I , I. WE need to stand amazed shift our attention from ourselves and focus on the one who is worthy!!!! Challenge for today take time and just be amazed because our savior is worthy!!!!!!
BECAUSE OF WHAT HE HAS (5:13-14) He was born in weakness and He died in weakness; but He is the recipient of all power. He became the poorest of the poor and yet He owns all the riches of heaven and earth. Man laughed at Him and called Him a fool; yet He is the very wisdom of God. He shared in the sinless weakness of humanity as he hungered, thirsted, and became weary. Today in glory, He possesses all strength. On earth, He experienced humiliation and shame as sinners ridiculed and reviled Him. They laughed at His kingship and attired Him in a mock robe, crown and scepter. But all of this is changed now!! He has received all honor and glory and blessing!! I want to leave you with this closing question. You may believe in Christ as the creator, but have you trusted Him as your redeemer???

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