Thursday, July 8, 2010

Compromising Church Pergamum Rev 2:12-17

Like their brothers and sisters in Smyrna the believers in Pergamos had suffered persecution, and one of their men had died for the faith. In spite of intense suffering, this church had remained true to God. Despite their courageous stand against persecution, the believers in Pergamos were not faultless before the Lord. One problem the church at Pergamum had was it started listening to the teaching and practices of the "Nicolaitanes." The Nicolaitans, were the early Christian-pagan syncretists, the false teachers that crept into the church, who disguised themselves as followers of Christ – who professed to be His ministers and servants – but who led the people astray. Understanding the story of Balaam helps us interpret this group more accurately. (Number 22-25). Balaam was a true prophet who prostituted his gifts in order to earn money from King Balak, who hired him to curse the people of Israel. God prevented Balaam from actually cursing the nation -in fact, God turned the curses into blessings! Balak followed Balaam's advice and making friends with Israel, and then inviting the Jews to worship and feast at the pagan altars. The Jewish men fell right into the trap. They ate meat from idolatrous altars and committed fornication as part of heathen religious rites. Twenty-four thousand people died because of this disobedient act of compromise (Num. 25:19). You might be saying how does this relate? Because a group in that church said, "There is nothing wrong with being friendly to Rome." What's wrong with displaying your loyalty to Caesar? The Lord accused the Christians in Pergamos of committing "spiritual fornication" by saying, "Caesar is Lord." This compromise welcomed in the Roman guilds and protected them from Roman persecution, But It Coast Them Their Testimony and Their Crown!!! Today we may face the same temptation to achieve personal advancement by ungodly compromise. Compromising in your faith is one sure way to lose your influence on those around you (Something to think about) Would the people around you say of you that your a person who stands for what is right? Or your a person who cuts corners to get ahead in life? The congregation or the individual Christian that compromises with the world just to avoid suffering or achieve success is committing "spiritual adultery" and being unfaithful to the Lord. It's hard to make a stand when those around you disagree or even would kill you for your stance. But when you make a stand there's NO COMPROMISING!!!!! Know what you believe and be unwavering. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

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