Ephesus was a serving church, busy doing the works of the Lord. This church kept going when the going got tough. Looking at the church from the outside you would think it was a great church to be apart of (Appearances can be deceiving). This busy, separated, sacrificing church really suffered from "heart trouble" they had abandoned their first love!! As I sit here and think about that what an awful thing to experience! Imagine Jesus saying to you, you lost your first love OUCH!! Man thats painful. Their actions where not motivated by a love for Christ. What we do for the Lord is important, but so is why we do it!! The Ephesian believers were so busy maintaining their separation that they were neglecting adoration. Labor is no substitute for love; neither is purity a substitute for passion. It is only as we love Christ fervently that we can serve Him faithfully.
"First Love" can be restored if we follow Jesus checklist. First we must remember (literally "keep on remembering") what we have lost and develop a desire to regain that relationship once again. Second we must repent change our minds and confess our sins to the Lord. Third we must restore the original fellowship that was broken by our sin and neglect. This means a return to prayer, Bible reading, obedient service, and worship. The church that loses its love will soon lose its light. The church of Ephesus was the "careless church," made up of careless believers who neglected their love for Christ. Are we guilty of the same neglect???
great sermon peej. preach it pastor