God was good to His people when His people were not good to Him. He sent them prophets to teach them and to warn them, but the nation refused to listen (2 Chron. 36:14-21). He was merciful to forgive them when they cried out for help, and He stood by them as they repeatedly rebelled against His Word. He could have destroyed the nation and started over again but He graciously spared them. In His mercy, God didn't give them what they deserved; and in His grace, He gave them what they didn't deserve. The Levites had acknowledged God's greatness and goodness; and now, on the basis of His grace, they asked Him for a new beginning for the nation. If God had been merciful to Israel in the past, forgiving their sins when they cried out to Him, would He not be merciful to them now? But in this passage the Levities did more then ask God for mercy; they also made a solemn covenant with God to obey His law and do His will. I know I say this all the time but today we to need to hold strong to the commitments we make!!!! When we say where going to do something we need to do it!!! When we say, "God I want to live for you" we need to do that!!!! This might mean a life change riding ourselves of what so easily entangles us and striving to be more like Him. Let our yes be yes and our no's no. Men and women who hold strong to their word!!! By no means is this easy but we weren't called to an easy life. Our God is a glorious God (Neh. 9:5). He is powerful (v.6), faithful (v.8), and concerned about the needs of His people (v.9). He is a pardoning God (vv. 17-19, 31) who stands by us when we sin (vv. 21,30) but who chastises if we rebel (v.26). He is a generous God (vv. 24-25, 35), who gives us far more than we deserve. He is a God who keeps His promises even if we are unfaithful. He deserves our loving obedience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wherever you are in your journey of faith know your never to fare away from a new beginning. His arms are always held out open willing to embraces his children!!!!
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