Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Facing Opposition?

I'm sure many of you know growing closer in your relationship with Jesus isn't always easy. That there is a refining process that we go through. Today I want to look at Nehemiah chapter 4:1-6, Nehemiah has been commissioned to build the walls of his people but along the way he runs into opposition. In this chapter alone he runs into four different attacks of the enemy. Where going to take a look at just one of those oppositions today. This chapter reminds us that God's people can be steadfast and defeat the enemy. If you are continually building upon your relationship with Jesus you will soon be battling so preparation is vital!!!!
1. Ridicule (Neh. 4:1-6)- Ridicule is nothing new for those that oppose the will of the Lord. Goliath ridiculed the God of the Israelites, the Roman soldiers and the rabbi's ridiculed Jesus as he hung on a cross. It amazes me how God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Sanballat saw what Nehemiah was doing as an insurmountable task. But Nehemiah had great faith in a great God, and that's what made the difference. I love how he responds to the ridicule he prays and asked God to fight the enemy for him! Nehemiah didn't let the words of his enemy forget the task that God gave him to due. In our lives it can be very easy to listen to the ridicule of the world. Words like what your doing is a waist of time, you'll never amount to anything. Remain obident to wherever the Holy Spirit leads!! Anything that keeps you from doing what God has called you to do will only help the enemy. Be encouraged today that whatever storm you may be facing that those that are found in Christ have already won the battle.

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