This weekend was a life changing event in my life! Even though this weekend was an amazing time when you come back to "reality" what's going to be different, I think we as humans have a tendency to resort back to what we are use to. (it's familiar it's comfortable). Most of us do not like change even if its a good change because we can be fearful of the unexpected, (the what happens next) And I think instead of taking that step of faith we return to our comfort zones. Like the speaker said you need to take control of your body. I'm gonna be honest it's been a challenge to break my patterns of waisted time but it can be done it's not easy but its a choice you need to make daily.
I want this morning to challenge you with this passage of scripture Jeremiah 35:1-19. I'll sum it up but you should read it! What happening is The people of Jerusalem were being unfaithful to the Lord and were resistant to the revelations brought by Jeremiah. The Lord brings in this dedicated family as a contrast. In Jeremiah’s day, the Recabites were an example of a group of people who stayed faithful and never deviated, even to customs within their own family, the people of Israel were never consistent, but always deviated from God’s revelations. This passage isn't talking about alcohol but a commitment of a family. Jonadad was commanded not to live in houses, not to have farms or vineyards, and not to drink wine. 250 years later his descendants are still honoring a commitment there for father made!! Obeying Jonadab's words had only a limited and temporal significance, but disobeying God's Word has eternal consequences!! How often God's people are put to shame by the devotion and discipline of people who don't even know the Lord but who intensely loyal to their family, their religion, or their personal pursuits. Even people who want nothing to do with the Word of God can be loyal to traditions and man-made codes. If Christians were putting into their spiritual walk the kind of discipline that athletes put into their chosen sport, the church would be pulsating with revival life. REMEMBER THE COMMITMENTS YOU MAKE!!!!! I want to leave you with this verse have a blessed day. Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
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