Luke chapter 9 is an amazing passage of scripture. In the next four blogs I'm going to break down four aspects of ministry that are found in this chapter. The first aspect of ministry we see is Jesus SENDING out the 12. The 12 had been ordained by Jesus some months before and had been traveling with Jesus as His helpers. Now he was going to send them out in pairs to put into practice what they had learned. Before Jesus sent them out, He gave them the equipment needed to get the job done, as well as the instructions to follow. Jesus told the apostles what to take on their journey, with an emphasis on urgency and simplicity. They were to rely on the Lord knowing He would open doors for there provision. (Wow what an awesome piece of scripture). It reminds me of God leading the people of Israel out of Egypt and how they needed to rely on his provision. Application for us are we ready to step out, and trust that the Lord is still holding us in the palm of his hand? Are we relying on God's provision for our life? Or our we holding unto our "security blankets." I challenge you to think about your life who are you relying on? Are you making steps of faith or are we making steps in comfort. Let us not forget that he is our provider our help and ever present need. God knows what your going threw he doesn't abandon his people. the disciples where provided for just like the people of Israel where. If God is calling you to go or do something rely on his provision and step out in faith.