Thursday, November 26, 2009


In DEUTERONOMY 8:7-20 In this sermon, Moses urges Israel to remember their dependence upon God and warns them about pride and self-sufficiency when they reach the promised land. In this sermon, Moses remembers their experience in the wilderness, especially the harshness of those conditions when compared to the relatively lush surroundings of the promised land and God's miraculous provision of manna. Moses calls for Israel to remember their dependence upon God and reminds them that their faithful observance of the commandments is the proper way to further that relationship. In God's plan, the difficulties of the wilderness prepared Israel for their life in the land by teaching them that nature alone cannot provide for their every need (v. 1-6). Upon their arrival in the promised land, its relatively prosperous abundance will tempt Israel to forget their dependence upon God's nurture (v 7-17). Their proper response is to remember and to "Thank" (literally "bless") the Lord their God (v18-20). Moses encourages Israel not to forget who to thank even though all these amazing resources are in front of them.

Looking at today when God brings us through a trial due we thank God for our provision in the wilderness. Or do we think we deserve whatever were seeking because we worked hard for it. That we achieved something by ourself with no help from anybody. I want to encourage you today THANK GOD daily for his provision on your life. And the unmerited favor he sheds upon us. 1 Thessolonians 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today we celebrate Veterans day!! I think over time people have forgotten about this Holiday and to some it has lost its significance on our culture. Today we remember those who fought and gave there lives for our freedoms. This past weekend I went to Gettysburg I can't describe the feeling of what it was like to stand on a battlefield where thousands of men gave their lives so freedom could prevail. As I take a moment and reflect over wars this country has fought I was thinking how would our lives be different if our veterans didn't respond to the call to fight? Imagine if the British won the revolutionary war? What would our country be like today? Or if the South had won the civil war? Or if we decided not to get involved in WWI and WWII? Our world in which we know might be drastically different. In John 15:13 it says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." We as Americans our indebted to those soldiers who give up their lives so we can live another day. What a selfless act of love our soldiers show towards there country and its people.In 2 Sam 23:13-17 David is dyeing of thirst 3 mighty men who served David risked their lives just to bring him a cup of water. David would not drink it, David showed his gratitude, David did not take lightlythat they risked their life for him Many Americans risked and gave their lives to bring us freedom Do we take it without considering the price paid for it. Far be it for us to do this. Lets honor and remember those who gave of themselves. I want to concluded with this We honor our vets because it is their day. However, everyday is the Lord's and we should honor him every day. He is our hero, he defeated the enemy and has given us gifts to serve with.Lets continue to honor him with our words, and deeds. Have you begun to honor him? What does Jesus ask in return Accept him as Savior and Lord Turn your life around, be baptized, and live for him.